Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Beyonce Reveals The Diet That Keeps Her Sexy !! Watch Video!

Beyonce, who at this point is more brand than person, did something very un-Bey-like on Monday. She flubbed. She messed up. She made a mistake, people! Maybe even the first mistake she's made since wearing this outfit.
Beyonce teased that she had a "big announcement" to make on Good Morning America. But was it a new album? A tour? Another bun in her (or a surrogate's) oven? Based on this dramatic promo, it had to be something big. Huge even!
.@Beyonce has something amazing she wants you to know: "This is something I have to share with everyone..."pic.twitter.com/T6B7wa5qKZ
— Good Morning America (@GMA) June 8, 2015
But no. It wasn't anything exciting. It wasn't anything, really. Beyonce made her Beyhive wake up at the ungodly hour of 8/7c in the morning to discuss her vegan diet - the same vegan diet she announced months ago. Oh, and Queen Bey couldn't even be bothered to grace the GMA studio with her presence. Talk about phoning it in.
watch video below.... 

Needless to say, the Beyhive isn't too thrilled with all this. Some fans even began flooding Beyonce's Instagram comments with non-vegan emoji.
Beyoncé reading her Instagram comments likepic.twitter.com/FsIcOjgXcU
— Allie (@Fergyonce) June 8, 2015
'I love vegan food, said Beyoncé. It makes me ***Flawless, she continued.' pic.twitter.com/PPzt3miPbn
— all things meat news (@KillioussBey) June 8, 2015
Beyoncé: I have an announcement Hive: OMFG A TOUR???? ALBUM?????? Beyoncé: Y'all fat lol
— mer. (@theonewithbey) June 8, 2015

Buy the Beyonce Diet plan Buy Here...