Tuesday, July 21, 2020

New Ancient Chinese Two-STep Method That Cures Type 2 Diabetes!!

Ancient Chinese 
"Life Hack"
Scientifically Proven To Fight Real Root-Cause of Type 2 Diabetes
And how it helped me reverse my Type 2 Diabetes and BURN 35Lbs of PURE Fat.. With a natural remedy that worked

Now, right inside this brief report, I'm going to show you exactly how to use the ancient Chinese method that I'm talking about...

But before I do, I want to tell you how this all came about.

Because you're probably wondering is this really possible, right?
After all, anyone you've ever known with diabetes has always
 only seemed to get worse... and the only way to try to live a
somewhat normal life is by stabbing your body with insulin
shots or having to take expensive diabetes drugs which don’t even work.

That's been your only
options. That's what all of your friends and even
your doctor has always told you.

Fact is, without sufficient treatment,
 often times 
people with diabetes
 experience depression, obesity,
 and constant lethargy.

And that just sets you in a downward spiral that is nearly impossible to pull out of.

So if you're feeling skeptical... or puzzled by what I'm telling you right now, I totally get it.

As a matter of fact, most of the people who have already used the 2-Step Chinese Method felt the same way as you do...

But their feelings changed when they tried the method for themselves.

So let's not waste any time…

I want you to know who I am…
And how you can put this secret
 to work for
 YOU… in order to FINALLY achieve normal
 blood sugar levels and become 
So as you know, my name is Tom Gordon.

I'm 54 years old and live near Cleveland, Ohio…
And it all happened 
3 years ago…

There was something nagging at the back of my mind.

For the longest time, I ignored it.

I started making a couple of trips to the bathroom during the night. I was always careful not to wake my wife.

What would she think if she knew how many times I rushed to the men’s room while I was at work?

It wasn’t just the amount of peeing I did in 24 hours, there was the tiredness. But I was convinced I was getting enough sleep.

That is, until one day something strange happened at the office. I opened my eyes and saw members of my team staring down at me. For a brief moment I didn’t know where I was.

If I hadn’t been the boss of the department, I would have fired myself.

‘Tom, that’s the third time you’ve fallen asleep at your desk, recently’ said my assistant.

As I raised my head, more people gathered around me. I felt heavy as I pushed passed them and headed towards the water dispenser to fill a cup.

‘You drink more water than anyone else I know,’ said one of the girls. ‘Apart from my mom before she was diagnosed with Diabetes.’

Diabetes! Sure I’d heard about it and knew I didn’t want it.

One kid I knew in high school had the condition. He was always passing out in class, and there were days when we didn’t see him at all. I didn’t want to be that person. No one in my family had ever had it, and don’t they say it’s hereditary?

I was laughing when I told my wife what the girl in the office had said. Not because I thought it was funny. But because I thought it was ridiculous and couldn’t possibly apply to me.

My wife suggested I should get tested to see if it’s diabetes or my bad diet.

I don’t know why she brought up my diet, it wasn’t that bad.

I let a few months slip by and tried to ignore the nagging from my wife. Nearly every day I was at the office, someone there asked me how I was doing. I had only nodded off on two more occasions at my desk so I didn’t think any more about it.
‘Tom, Tom, are 
you ok? Tom.’

I opened my eyes and my
 wife was 
shaking me.

‘That’s it,’ she said.
 ‘I’m  taking you
 to the doctor.’

At that moment I didn’t know what scared me most. 
The look on my wife’s face or the prospect of 
seeing a doctor and getting bad news.

I hadn’t told anyone, but I’d done a
 bit of online research
 and found out some more about diabetes.
 I didn’t feel
 that I knew everything about it, but I knew I 
didn’t want it.

The doorbell rang and my youngest son walked
 into the room. I 
felt a bit dazed as he and my wife ushered me out of
 the house and into the car.

The next thing I remember was
 waking up on the couch
 in the doctor’s room, and hearing him on the 
phone calling an ambulance.

That’s when I really started to panic.

The doctor and nurse at the hospital 
tried to put me at ease, 
but I confess I nearly peed my pants when
 they gave me the diagnosis:



My first thought was, ‘why me?’ They 
say that almost 10% 
of the population in the US has diabetes.

Why couldn’t I be in the 90% that 
didn’t have it?

The nurse was talking about
 my diet. For the most part, 
she could have been talking a
 foreign language as
 nothing engaged with my brain. 
I’ve often heard 
of people having an out of body experience, now 
I had some idea what it felt like.

The next few months were unreal. 
I felt like a stranger in my own body.

Made worse by the
 fact that I had to give
 up certain foods. No more doughnuts,
 and my favorite candy had to go.

Low fat, low sodium,
 low sugar.

But it’s impossible to 
cut out sugar 
completely, as it occurs
 naturally in so many foods. 
I even had to cut down on the 
amount of fruit I ate, that 
broke my heart more
 than anything.

For months I watched
 my blood sugars stay too high.

Frustrated they wouldn’t go down 
as fast as the doctor 
wanted it to. Frustrated I
 couldn’t indulge in my
 favorite foods. 
Frustrated at being different to 
my friends and family.

I hated having to take 
medication every day. 
The type of diabetes I had meant 
that my body produced insulin 
but couldn’t use it properly. The doctor
 told me that the tablets should make it work better.

The doctor also told
 me that I should 
exercise regularly, as activity helps to lower blood
 sugars. When I told him I was a regular
 at the gym, he raised his 
eyebrows and then frowned.

I didn’t like his

Then came 
the moment I

‘I could give you more tablets to take
 with the Metformin,’ said the doctor,
‘But your sugar levels are still so high,
 I think it’s time we tried you on insulin.’
 I hate clichés but I have to say,
 my heart sank. I dislike injections.
So having to inject myself
filled me with dread.

All kinds of questions popped into my head.
What if I don’t get it right? What if I don’t give myself
 enough? What if I give myself
too much? ‘You’re such a
 worrier, Tom,’ my wife told me.
 ‘You’ll be shown how to do it
and I can help you.’

Years ago, if anyone had asked me how I
saw myself at 54, I wouldn’t have
said ‘dealing with diabetes.’

Every time I found out something more
 about my condition, despair
 drew me in deeper. As if having
diabetes wasn’t enough
 to deal with, I discovered
there could be other complications.

My blood pressure could go up. I
could have problems with my heart.
I could suffer Kidney
 failure. I could lose a toe
 or a leg. I could even lose my
sight. Having diabetes is more than
 enough, without having all these problems
 lurking in the background
 waiting for a chance to get me.

Then came the bombshell.
My bosses wanted me to go to
 Shanghai for a series of
business meetings. My wife thought
 it was exciting that I was going to China. 

All I felt was 


Pressure from the company
I worked for, and pressure
 to control the diabetes.

I decided to think about
trying the insulin, while I
was away in China. Besides,
 I didn’t want to have to explain why I had
 syringes and needles boarding a plane.
 My trip to China was to last 3 weeks. But the
 moment the plane touched down on the runway,
I wanted it to take off again and take me home.

I didn’t know if it was the stress of the trip,
 but something was wrong. I was exhausted,
 yet the flight wasn’t long
enough to give me jet lag.

I sat upright throughout the meetings.
I knew that if I got too comfortable
I’d start to slouch. And I’d
probably dose off. I didn’t think my
Chinese host would appreciate that.

I started 



That worried me because I
 had never had them
before. I put it down to
 the stress of the occasion.

But when I started to feel clammy,
I knew that there had to
 be more to it than that.

On the third day of
my visit, my host took me to
 one side while we had a
 break for coffee. He asked,
‘Is there something wrong Mr. Gordon?’

At first I was reluctant to tell him.
But his insistent
 look forced me to tell him
 about my condition.
 I told him about the medication I was taking and that
 my doctor wanted to start me on
 insulin when I got home.

He smiled. ‘I know someone who may be
able to help you. I will have my
assistant call and arrange
 an appointment.’

Of course I was skeptical, I was
 also a desperate man.
 I was quite frankly tired of feeling tired. To the point where
 I couldn’t remember the
 last time I felt well.

I found it increasingly difficult to
The end of the meeting couldn’t
 come soon enough. 

My host had arranged 
for a driver to
 take me to my 
appointment with
 the local medicine
 man, Zho Lee.

A small man, without an
 ounce of spare fat on 
met me at the door.
He seemed unable to straighten
 his back.
 I’d say he was just the right side of 80,
maybe around 77 years old.

Can I trust this man? I couldn’t help it,
 but I looked him up and down
 wondering what he could
offer me. What the heck, I’ve got
 nothing to lose. He bowed courteously
and I did the same.

I shifted awkwardly on the chair
as Zho watched me. I waited for
him to speak. What seemed like
 minutes passed but in fact,
 it was probably only seconds.

Zho finally spoke to ask
me how long I had suffered with
 Diabetes, and which medicines I’d been prescribed.

‘For the moment I take Metformin,’ I told
 him. ‘But when I go home
I may have to start insulin.’
Zho leaned across his 
desk and then pulled
 a small booklet 
off the shelf above it.
He then said, ’If you are prepared to follow the instructions that I give you, I can promise you a way to overcome this condition. You can discard your pills and you can forget about injecting yourself with insulin.’

I wanted to believe him, I really did. But what could this doctor do for me that my doctor hadn’t already done. Is he trying to sell me false hope? I decided to give him a chance. ‘Ok,’ I said, ‘What have you got?’
‘You seem skeptical Mr Gordon.’

Too right I was. I know all about people who
 make false claims just to make a quick buck. It’s happened throughout history. But I didn’t believe my business host would
 have sent me to a charlatan.

Not if he wanted to keep
 my company’s business.

Zho showed me the
contents of the booklet.

 It was a 2-step diabetes 

reversal system, 
diet and 

There were two lists. One contained 20
diabetes friendly foods
 used by the ancient Chinese.

The other was 20 exercises which didn’t
 require me to use weights and
 can be done in less than 10
 minutes a day. 

He told me to add one of the foods to
my diet each day for 20 days.
 At the same time I was to do one
of the exercises each day for 20 days.

At first I wasn’t sure about 
what he was asking me to do. 

I already tried to be careful what I
ate and I went to the gym
 several times a week. But
I liked the looked of the
 exercises, they involved not too
 much effort.

Zho explained to me that the exercises
 aren’t your typical bodybuilder 
type exercises.
 The goal of these exercises is to
 shock your body in a
 very short period of time so you can
activate the “Afterburn effect”.

The afterburn effect keeps 
your body burning 
calories in the next 24 to 72 hours,
 thus helping you lose more fat and
 boost metabolism.

He also told me the foods to add to my diet were
designed to increase fat loss and restore
 insulin sensitivity to optimal levels.

Who would of thought that the ancient Chinese used
 just diet and exercise to
defeating diabetes…

‘You have nothing to worry about, Mr Gordon. Follow
the instructions carefully. Eat the foods and do the gentle
 exercises and I promise you, the results will come fast.

Zho talked at length about the 
successes his patients 
have had. 
He talked with excitement about the
 work of his ancient
 ancestors and how they tuned in to the
needs of their bodies.
 I listened until it seemed he’d
his bank of knowledge.

I took the booklet and made my way back to
my hotel room. I studied the
 contents, hoping that I was doing
 the right thing. I was intrigued once
 I understood the contents,
 it seemed to be just what
I was looking for.

My host had arranged a
dinner for all the delegates. I went to the dining
room and was pleased to see that I
could start on my new diet right away.
 One of the food items to
add to my diet was on the menu.
I sat with my host and we
began to eat.

I noticed that the contents of his
 plate was the same as mine. 

He saw me looking at his
 plate and smiled.
It was then I understood how he 
knew that Zho could help me. 

He too must have diabetes. I asked
 him if Zho’s
method worked and he
assured me it did. 

He said it may seem strange at
 first, but if I stick with it I would
soon see results.
 He said that his diabetes was history.

I stuck with it. I ate a
 new item of food from the list every day. 

I did the exercises which took around 
10 minutes, but they didn’t seem like
 exercises at all. 


Ten days following

 the plan I was given

 I began to notice 

little differences.

Towards the end of my business trip,
I was beginning to find that I felt more alive when I
got up in the mornings. I felt revitalized
 before I got into the shower.

The business day didn’t seem so strenuous,
and I felt alert while I was
 in the meetings.

The trips to the various manufacturing
sites saw me with a spring in my
step. My host
also noticed the change in me. I
 couldn’t thank him
enough for pointing me in the
 direction of Zho. 

He told me that Zho was the best thing that
ever happened to him. 
second that
I was a different man
 when I arrived back
 on American

My wife picked me up at
the airport and couldn’t believe
I was the same man that had
 gone away 3 weeks earlier. She
 said there was something different
about me.

I told her about Zho and
the program, but she
 didn’t believe me. When we arrived
home I showed her the booklet.

She glanced at it and gave
 a dismissive, ‘yeah,
 right.’ ‘It’s really working,’ I insisted.
 ‘I feel so
much better than before I
went away.’

Two weeks after I arrived
 home I still felt great. 

The most pleasing thing was that people at the
office noticed and commented
on the change in me. That was when
 I knew for sure that Zho's program
was working. 

I couldn’t wait to see my doctor to get my
 bloods tested so that I could see the results.
Even my doctor 
said I looked great. 
I did all the usual tests and then went
 away to wait for the results. When he called me back to review them, there was a confused look on his face.

For a moment I thought that there was something wrong. But when he showed me the results they were all normal. 
My blood sugars and all the other readings
 were in the normal range. My blood
 pressure was also within the normal range.
He also showed me a 35
 pound of reduction
 in my body fat! 
In fact all the results indicated an individual
 in peak health. That
individual was me.

I told him about my diet and exercise
program and that I no
longer took any medication. 

He was as skeptical as I was
 when Zho first told me about it. 

Then he dismissed the results as a
 fluke and insisted I repeat them.

I didn’t want the tests as I already knew
 they weren’t necessary, but I decided to humor him. 

The second series of tests came
 back just as normal as the first. 

My doctor was still baffled. All the results
that my blood sugar was
 in the normal range. 

He couldn’t believe it, and I was
 relieved that Zho was right.
A few days later I challenged my eldest son to
a rematch on the squash court. 

He laughed because he was convinced he was
 going to kick my butt again. Little did he know
what I had in store for him; I kicked his butt. 
Of all the people I spoke to, not one of them had
heard of a diet and exercise plan
 like the one I was on.
Then I got the idea that maybe I can do something
 with my new found knowledge.
I got Zho on the phone and I asked
 him if he wanted to share this amazing
 diabetes discovery with the world.
At first he refused…

He didn’t want to be “Famous”.

He didn’t want to go on TV or
 anything like that.

It was only after I promised that none of his
original work would change, he agreed.

He got to work gathering all of his knowledge
and sending me the information.

I got my tech-genius nephew to put all of that information
into PDF format and setup this website
that you’re on right now.
After a few weeks we finally got 
everything up and 
And now finally I’m excited to
 present The Zho Diabetes Protocol:


The Zho Diabetes Protocol is 
a complete done-for-you online 
program that shows you how to 
reverse your type 2 diabetes naturally.
This material is powerful and life changing
and is your magic key to finally getting rid of your
 type 2 diabetes and getting back
 to enjoying your life again.

You’ll get instant access to the PDF version 
of the system, so you can read it on your computer, 
tablet, or smartphone, or print it out
 and read it anywhere.

The program is complete with the
 list of foods and exercises 
that Zho gave
 me, and instructions on defeating
 your type 2 diabetes.

Consider this system your all-in-one
 solution to diabetes-free future.

Sure, you can find similar approaches
 to reversing diabetes.

You could spend about 100 hours
 Google, and probably track down 80% of what Zho
and I cover in the program.

You could do that...but why?

We've not only created the
 system FOR you.

We've already put the workouts, the diet plan, and the
action steps all into one short, simple to read, easy to understand blueprint that you can read AND put into action in about 2-3 hours.

That's it. Short, no fluff, and
 right to the point.
Just go through the whole system, 
listen to what we have to teach you, 
learn how to reverse your type 2 
diabetes and normalize 
blood sugar.
In fact, if you’re like most people you’ll feel like
you suddenly have a super power…

I honestly can’t wait till you feel what
it’s like to never
have to worry about your type 2 diabetes
and insulin needles again…
Now imagine this for a minute….

Imagine being finally able to enjoy your life knowing that you’re not at risk of high blood sugar…

Imagine finally being able to eat the foods you’ve always wanted to eat without any consequences…

Would that feel good?

Would that feel empowering?
OK, I think you can feel how
 much you want this, how much you
 want to reverse your type 2 diabetes and
 restore your blood sugar to normal…

So let’s talk about the
 special enrollment fee
I’ve got for you for just taking part in this
 report. (it’s going to shock you)

But because you've read this far into this report,  
 know it’s because you want this.
You want to be able to live your life everyday
 without the hassles that
diabetes brings to you.

You want to wake up every single morning ready
to walk out the door feeling like a new person.

And I want that for you too.

You see, I want to get this program
to to as many
 people as possible to naturally and safely reversing their
diabetes and having a strong healthier body again.

I’ll let you have the “Zho Diabetes Protocol”…

Not for $147…

Not for $97…

Not even for $67…
If you act right now, you’ll get the complete training program for just one single payment of $37 
I Don’t Want To Be Mean Here, But This Could Be Your Last Chance To Reverse Your type 2 diabetes & Live A Happier Life…

I think we both know people who never got their diabetes fixed…

Who end up old and bitter. Living in a nursing home popping pills and taking insulin shots…

I don’t want you to be one of “those people”.

You or your loved one CAN completely reverse your type 2 diabetes and live life to the fullest again…
All you have to do is click on the order button below to enroll in the program right now.
And of course you’re backed by our risk-free, no loopholes, 60-Day 100% money back guarantee.

Just send us a quick email and we'll process your refund, no questions asked.
Here’s how this works:

Just say maybe to the Zho Diabetes Protocol.

Go through the program, listen to what we have to teach you, do the simple exercises and eat the simple foods.

Use your new insights and see for yourself how well your blood sugar improves.

If for any reason at all you decide this program isn’t for you, just send us a quick email anytime in the next 8 weeks and we’ll refund your money as quickly as we can.

Why this generous of a guarantee?

Because I want this for you.
I want you to reverse your type 2 diabetes just like I did and live your life to the fullest again.
I want you to live a better and happier life knowing that diabetes won’t impair you from enjoying your life.

All you have to do is click on the "Add To Cart" button below.

It’s decision time and this really could be the most important decision of your life.

So you’re at a crossroads right now and you’ve only got 2 options.

Option 1 is for you to leave this page. Go back to living every single day with diabetes, taking meds that cause terrible side-effects, and constantly worry about your blood sugar.

You can live your life like this if you want to. But if you’ve read this far into the report, you know what you’re doing just isn’t working.

Which brings us to option 2.

Take one small action today that will have massive impact on the rest of your life.

Simply click the yellow "Add To Cart" button below right now. 

Enter your credit card information and DIVE IN to the Program.

Feel the change for yourself as you wake up every single day knowing that your type 2 diabetes isn’t going to bother you anymore.

Transform the way you look at life and and how you’ll remember it.

Again, all you have to do is click on the big button below.

I look forward to hearing your success story!
Click the "Add To Cart" button below to get started
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm answer a few questions that are usually asked by clients before buying…
How does the program work?
The problem with diabetes is your insulin levels and your body can’t control you blood sugar properly.

By doing the afterburner exercises you are shocking your body into burning your fat and increasing metabolism, thus helping your blood sugar to come down to an optimal level.

Then by adding just one of the foods to your diet everyday will help you maintain your fat loss and control your blood sugar. The foods are very basic and can be found at your local grocery store.
Is this program for everyone?
Yes! It works successfully and safely for people of any age. Majority of the people who've taken this program are as young as 23 all the up to 71 years of age.
What am I getting with the Zho Diabetes Protocol?
You’ll get the main program in PDF format and you can read it on any device. The program is complete with a template of the foods and exercises, also with bonus information on how you can defeat your type 2 diabetes.
What happens when I click the order button?
Once you click on the "Add To Cart" button directly below, a secure checkout page will take payment information. Then you've got instant access to every part of the Zho Diabetes Protocol site. You can download and print out anything you like, as many times as you need!
Is there a 100% money-back guarantee?
There absolutely is. I knew by making this program 100% free of risk, you'd understand my firm belief in it. When you click the button below, you’ll have 60 full days to love it, or your money goes straight back to you. No questions asked-just email me and your $37 is immediately refunded.
I'm ready to buy! What now?
Just click the "Add To Cart" button below and instantly access the online program, along with your 60-day 100% refund guarantee. There is absolutely no risk to you.