Thursday, May 25, 2017

Studies Show That Vitamins Can Tame Your Unruly Child in School Allowing Them to Learn More and Excel in Their Work

Could unruly children be tamed with a vitamin pill? Pupils taking the supplement were 'better behaved at school'

  • Study gave schoolchildren a vitamin, mineral and omega-3 supplement
  • Behaviour improved over 12 weeks compared to those taking placebo
  • Especially unruly children had fewer classroom outbursts in this time
  • Experts say supplements improve brain health and antisocial behavior
Schoolchildren given a supplement containing a mix of vitamins, minerals and omega-3 for 12 weeks were better behaved at school, researchers found.
Experts say the findings add to a body of evidence showing deficiencies in young people's diets can contribute towards poor brain health and antisocial behaviour.
Omega-3 is known to be vital for healthy brain function, and past studies have shown it can improve discipline and reduce the symptoms of ADHD.
Badly-behaved: A a vitamin, mineral and omega-3 supplement can improve the behaviour of unruly teenagers, a study has found (file photo)
Badly-behaved: A a vitamin, mineral and omega-3 supplement can improve the behaviour of unruly teenagers, a study has found (file photo)
One trial, published in the Journal of Attention Disorders, found a combination of omega-3 and omega-6 could be almost as effective as the drug Ritalin at controlling ADHD symptoms in teenagers.
Omega-3 is found in oily fish such as mackerel, salmon and sardines - but experts worry children who eat a diet high in sugar and fat may be deficient. 

Professor John Stein, of the University of Oxford, who led the new research, said improving students' diets with supplements in turn improves their behavior.
'When assessed using validated tests, supplements may protect against worsening behaviour.'
Dr Jonathan Tammam, the principal researcher on the study, told MailOnline the results were significant but that parents should initially try to improve their children's levels of vitamins, minerals and omega-3 through changing their diet.
Only if this fails should they turn to supplements. 
He said: 'When we looked at the children's diets a third was made up of foods high in sugar and fat, like crisps and sweets. Their diet was poor.
'Improving this, flipping their diet so a third came from fruits and vegetables, and eating more oily fish, would raise nutrient levels and protect against bad behaviour.'
Brain function: Experts said the research adds to the growing body of evidence that nutrition can impact the brain health and behaviour of children
Brain function: Experts said the research adds to the growing body of evidence that nutrition can impact the brain health and behaviour of children
As part of the study, 196 healthy children aged 13 to 16 were recruited from Robert Clack, a mixed comprehensive school in Dagenham, east London.
They were split into two groups - one was given a 'WellTeen' supplement while the other was given a placebo.
Nutrient deficiencies have been implicated in antisocial behaviour, hence correcting them may improve sociability 
Professor John Stein, University of Oxford 
Researchers took blood samples from the pupils to measure the change in vitamin, mineral and omega-3 levels during the study. 
These were found to be low at the start of the study but were significantly raised in the group receiving the nutrient supplements over the 12 weeks. 
The children's behaviour was assessed using the Conner’s scale, a validated measure of discipline and emotional problems.
Using this scale, the team found the behaviour of students receiving the supplements improved, while the behaviour of the pupils receiving the placebo worsened.
When they looked at the children's school records, they found throughout the school term the number of occasions where teachers reported lateness, classroom outbursts, rudeness or any other form of rule-breaking increased for both groups.
Dr Tammam said: 'This is to be expected. Children start the term bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then, as time goes on, they get tired and fractious.'
Then, they looked at results only for the most badly behaved children, who had committed at least three or more misdemeanors in the 12 weeks of the study.
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