Although cold weather is not entirely to blame for the colds and flu symptoms that seem to be more common from November through March, cold sores do seem to be linked to the temperatures outdoors.

An increase in cold sores is possible because the winter season tends to reactivate the HSV-1 virus responsible for the sores, according to Abreva. Exposure to cold temperatures as well as drastic temperature shifts, like moving from the cold outdoors into a warm house, can be traumatic enough to trigger a cold sore outbreak.
Several different factors contribute to why cold sores are more likely to surface in the winter than during other times of the year. Harsh, winter winds can dry out the lips and make them more hospitable to the virus that causes cold sores. Dry, warm air in heated homes can encourage the virus to spread and break out more often. In addition, less vitamin D in the body and an immune system weakened by winter can increase a person's risk of developing a cold sore.
Other notable cold sore triggers can be elevated in the winter. Planning for holiday celebrations can elevate stress, which is a trigger for HSV-1 outbreaks. The longer a person is feeling stressed, the more likely he or she will develop a cold sore.
Illnesses, such as colds, flu and bacterial infections, that seem to pop up when the weather is cold also can trigger cold sores. When the body is busy fighting one invader, it is more vulnerable from attacks by other bacteria and viruses.
Inflammation in the body, like that which accompanies chronic arthritis, may overproduce the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol can suppress the immune system and trigger a cold sore attack. Those with arthritis and other inflammation issues may find winter weather exacerbates their symptoms.
Some people may counteract the dark days of winter by visiting tanning salons and exposing themselves to artificial UV rays. This can irritate tissues around the mouth and also lead to a cold sore outbreak.
What are cold sores?
Cold sores are not merely pimples that spring up in and around the mouth. They're actually a type of herpes known as the herpes simplex virus-1, or HSV-1. This is a mild form of herpes that is a cousin to the more dangerous HSV-2. According to the National Institutes of Health, HSV-1 infects more than half of the U.S. population by the time they reach their 20s. The Mayo Clinic says about 90% of adults worldwide — even those who have never experienced symptoms of an infection — test positive for the virus that causes cold sores.
Cold sores, also called fever blisters, are fluid-filled lesions that occur on and around the lips. Cold sores are contagious and can be spread through close personal contact. There is no cure for HSV-1 infections, and blisters may appear sporadically. Cold sores are most contagious when they have fluid present, but infection also can occur when blisters are not visible. Once the herpes virus is contracted, it remains in the body forever.
Preventing cold sores
A key way to prevent a cold sore outbreak is to avoid people who experience cold sores. Don't share utensils or food and avoid physical contact with the areas where a sore is present.
courtesy of
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