Thursday, April 22, 2021

Powerful Heart Health Supplements - Astonishing Study Revels Dramatic Long-Term Health Benefits - See Study

New 12-month Heart Health Study reveals dramatic long-term health benefits of supplementing with the Peak Performance Pack!

At their Launch event on January 4, 2020 Melaleuca announced that a fourth clinical study has revealed the astonishing impact that the Peak Performance Pack has on the most crucial aspect of our well-being: heart health.

The recently completed Heart Health Study confirms that with sustained use of the Peak Performance Heart Health Pack, the incredible benefits continue for the long term. Over the 12-month study, participants experienced improvements in cholesterol, blood pressure, and circulation. And similar to the three prior clinical studies, participants experienced significant reduction in free radicals and inflammation. 

These results confirm that Peak Performance is a nutritional supplement pack like no other. Not only does it contain a powerful combination of patented and proprietary supplements, but it has endured the rigors of scientific investigation again and again and proven its invaluable worth every time.

In the first clinical study, called the Freiburg Study, Peak Performance improved 25 key health markers—many in as little as 60 minutes after taking the supplement. The second study—the Sterling Study—produced the same results in a different, more diverse population. Next, the Deprivation Study confirmed the improvements were tied directly to the Peak Performance Pack and that without it benefits would quickly fade.

By design, the Freiburg and Sterling Studies were only 12 weeks long, so one question still loomed—would long-term use of the Peak Performance Pack continue to provide the same benefits over a much longer period of time?

That’s exactly what Melaleuca researchers sought to find out with the Heart Health Study. Instead of lasting 12 weeks, this study lasted a full 12 months! And rather than testing the standard Peak Performance Nutrition Pack, Melaleuca chose to test the Peak Performance Heart Health Pack, which contains the same supplements as the Nutrition Pack plus three heart-specific health supplements.

Just like the first three studies, the results were far beyond anything the scientific community has ever seen—proving that there is nothing like the Peak Performance Pack anywhere in the world. Never before has any nutritional supplement produced results in human studies that would suggest that a supplement would help people defy aging and stay significantly younger longer.

The Heart Health Study involved 26 participants evenly split between men and women, with an average age of 50. All lived an active lifestyle and were in good health. These were individuals who you’d normally think wouldn’t need to worry about heart health. But just wait until you see their results.

The Heart Health Study measured 16 different heart-specific health markers, with an emphasis on blood pressure, cholesterol, endothelial health, and circulation. These health markers were chosen because they are the primary markers in determining long-term heart health. And subjects saw improvements in every single one!

Despite using a generally healthier group with a more active lifestyle, the Heart Health Study confirmed the results of the Freiburg and Sterling Studies while highlighting exciting heart-specific health benefits.

The average participant in the Heart Health Study experienced the following results: Free radicals in the blood were reduced by 7.3%! Mitochondrial free radicals saw a dramatic 73.2% reduction. Inflammation resistance improved an incredible 59%! The hs-CRP marker dropped 27.3%!

Additionally, there was significant impact on health markers directly tied to heart health like blood pressure, cholesterol, and circulation. Subjects with slightly elevated blood pressure saw a drop of 5.1% in systolic blood pressure and a 3.2% reduction in diastolic blood pressure. In healthy subjects with higher cholesterol levels, total cholesterol dropped 8.1%! LDL, or “bad” cholesterol dropped an incredible 15.2% for the same group. Additionally, subjects saw their circulating nitric oxide levels increase 75.6%!

It’s just further evidence that Peak Performance can help you enjoy a healthy life and make the most of it.

To see the complete results of the Heart Health Study as well as the previous three studies, visit

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